Friday, October 7, 2011

DEF HD iPhone 4 Theme

DEF HD, a beautiful iDevice theme brought to you by rickym22. v.1.1
Encompassing all aspects of your iDevices with, but not limited to a wonderfully elegant darker User Interface, and overlay of most of the stock Apps. This theme also includes:Skinned Stocks Apps, and several Cydia apps. Skinned Over for most Stock Apps, including Clock, Dialer, Compass, MediaPlayer etc.. Loading Screens Springboard and Lockscreen Widgets Fully themed UI. This theme also includes 3 different icons sets:One a darker version of the main icons set, and the second one (Still a work in progress) will be released with the next update. DEF HD also includes two sets of Loading Screens. There are 3 Lockscreen Widgets, and one Springboard Widget included in this theme. Compatibility:This theme is compatible with all retina Devices (iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4th Gen) The SD version of this theme will be released a few days after this theme has been officially released.

Author: Ricky Marfatia